- Auto-moto, automobilový priemysel
- Bezpečnosť, ochrana
- Cestovný ruch, hotely, gastronómia
- Chemický priemysel
- Doprava a špedícia
- Drevospracujúci priemysel, korok
- Drogéria a kozmetika
- Ekológia, odpady
- Elektronika, elektrotechnika
- Energetika
- Financie, poisťovníctvo, účtovníctvo
- IT, počítače
- Kancelárske potreby
- Móda, odevy, textil
- Nábytok a bývanie
- Obchod
- Ostatné
- Papier, balenie, darčekové potreby
- Plasty, kaučuk
- Poľnohospodárstvo, potravinárstvo
- Poradenstvo, právo, marketing
- Prekladateľstvo a tlmočníctvo
- Reality
- Reklama, propagácia, PR
- Servis
- Sklo a keramika
- Služby
- Spotrebná a biela elektronika
- Stavebníctvo, materiál
- Strojárenstvo, stroje, priemysel
- Školenia, personalistika, brigády
- Šport, umenie, kultúra, zábava
- Telekomunikácie
- Tlačiarenský priemysel, médiá
- Výroba
- Zdravotníctvo, farmácia, krása
- Auto-moto, automobilový priemysel
- Bezpečnosť, ochrana
- Cestovný ruch, hotely, gastronómia
- Chemický priemysel
- Doprava a špedícia
- Drevospracujúci priemysel, korok
- Drogéria a kozmetika
- Ekológia, odpady
- Elektronika, elektrotechnika
- Energetika
- Financie, poisťovníctvo, účtovníctvo
- IT, počítače
- Kancelárske potreby
- Móda, odevy, textil
- Nábytok a bývanie
- Obchod
- Ostatné
- Papier, balenie, darčekové potreby
- Plasty, kaučuk
- Poľnohospodárstvo, potravinárstvo
- Poradenstvo, právo, marketing
- Prekladateľstvo a tlmočníctvo
- Reality
- Reklama, propagácia, PR
- Servis
- Sklo a keramika
- Služby
- Spotrebná a biela elektronika
- Stavebníctvo, materiál
- Strojárenstvo, stroje, priemysel
- Školenia, personalistika, brigády
- Šport, umenie, kultúra, zábava
- Telekomunikácie
- Tlačiarenský priemysel, médiá
- Výroba
- Zdravotníctvo, farmácia, krása
- Auto-moto, automobilový priemysel
- Bezpečnosť, ochrana
- Cestovný ruch, hotely, gastronómia
- Chemický priemysel
- Doprava a špedícia
- Drevospracujúci priemysel, korok
- Drogéria a kozmetika
- Ekológia, odpady
- Elektronika, elektrotechnika
- Energetika
- Financie, poisťovníctvo, účtovníctvo
- IT, počítače
- Kancelárske potreby
- Móda, odevy, textil
- Nábytok a bývanie
- Obchod
- Ostatné
- Papier, balenie, darčekové potreby
- Plasty, kaučuk
- Poľnohospodárstvo, potravinárstvo
- Poradenstvo, právo, marketing
- Prekladateľstvo a tlmočníctvo
- Reality
- Reklama, propagácia, PR
- Servis
- Sklo a keramika
- Služby
- Spotrebná a biela elektronika
- Stavebníctvo, materiál
- Strojárenstvo, stroje, priemysel
- Školenia, personalistika, brigády
- Šport, umenie, kultúra, zábava
- Telekomunikácie
- Tlačiarenský priemysel, médiá
- Výroba
- Zdravotníctvo, farmácia, krása
- Auto-moto, automobilový priemysel
- Bezpečnosť, ochrana
- Cestovný ruch, hotely, gastronómia
- Chemický priemysel
- Doprava a špedícia
- Drevospracujúci priemysel, korok
- Drogéria a kozmetika
- Ekológia, odpady
- Elektronika, elektrotechnika
- Energetika
- Financie, poisťovníctvo, účtovníctvo
- IT, počítače
- Kancelárske potreby
- Móda, odevy, textil
- Nábytok a bývanie
- Obchod
- Ostatné
- Papier, balenie, darčekové potreby
- Plasty, kaučuk
- Poľnohospodárstvo, potravinárstvo
- Poradenstvo, právo, marketing
- Prekladateľstvo a tlmočníctvo
- Reality
- Reklama, propagácia, PR
- Servis
- Sklo a keramika
- Služby
- Spotrebná a biela elektronika
- Stavebníctvo, materiál
- Strojárenstvo, stroje, priemysel
- Školenia, personalistika, brigády
- Šport, umenie, kultúra, zábava
- Telekomunikácie
- Tlačiarenský priemysel, médiá
- Výroba
- Zdravotníctvo, farmácia, krása
Hľadáte firmu, tovar, službu za najlepšiu cenu a kvalitu?
1) napíšte o čo máte záujem
2) spracujeme Vám cenové ponuky a zašleme referencie
3) je to bezplatné a nezáväzné
LETVIS® MON system is intended for creation of time-synchronised voice/data/video records, archiving of recorded files and their retrieval for time-synchronised replay or data reduction without interrupting the recording process. LETVIS® MON is to be used for critical applications where the data and signals recorded are replayed with precision time synchronization. LETVIS® SDAA enables a substantial improvement of multi-sensor data processing accuracy. Surveillance Data Accuracy Analysis (SDAA) system was developed in compliance with EUROCONTROL standards. The system is designed for accuracy testing of surveillance radar systems, multi-radar data sources or passive surveillance syste...
LETVIS® SIM – is designed to simulate a wide range of civil and military air traffic management (ATM ) environment. The system fully substitutes real ATM data processing and the simulated air traffic situation is displayed at the controller (trainee) WPs (entire radar and flight information). It can be used for training of civil/ military radar and procedural controllers for en-route or approach control of flights. A variety of simulation scenarios can be created to prepare the training sessions and exercises, incl. simulation of emergency or heavy traffic situations to check a competency of controllers and their ability to cope with work overload. BADA 3.3 database of aircraft (EUROCO...
LETVIS® SIM – is designed to simulate a wide range of civil and military air traffic management (ATM ) environment. The system fully substitutes real ATM data processing and the simulated air traffic situation is displayed at the controller (trainee) WPs (entire radar and flight information). It can be used for training of civil/ military radar and procedural controllers for en-route or approach control of flights. A variety of simulation scenarios can be created to prepare the training sessions and exercises, incl. simulation of emergency or heavy traffic situations to check a competency of controllers and their ability to cope with work overload. BADA 3.3 database of aircraft (EUROCO...
The ALES deals with industrial design and manufacture of specialised furniture required to house the working positions/consoles for particular needs of various users. This product family meets the appropriate working environment-related standards. The furniture can be delivered either as a part of systems supplied by the ALES or as specific-purpose furniture for accommodation of equipment provided by other manufacturers. Depending on the user roles and intended missions, the specialised furniture provided within the ALES production programme falls into the following categories: Operator WPs/consoles: - for round-the-clock operations which have to meet most stringent requirements in term...
Air Defense (AD) system of ALES production (LETVIS® AD) provides an integrated C3I system for execution of air defense missions at any centralized and/or decentralized command level. The system represents a tool suitable for integration into fixed/mobile command and control (C2) centers for air operations execution to provide timely and effective protection of vital assets and areas. It is interoperable with both NATO and non-NATO systems. The recognized air picture, derived from information provided by a radar network over the area of responsibility and processed by multi-radar tracker (MRT), is generated by the LETVIS® AD system. As integral part of the system are air defence function...
Radar Program
Radar program focuses on refurbishment and upgrade of older analogue PSR/PAR radars to enable their service life extension, substantial performance improvement and effective co-operation with interfaced advanced systems. Through implementation of advanced electronics and data processing equipment, optionally IFF/SSR equipment they can serve as sources of reliable primary/secondary data. LETVIS EXT/S is a high performance radar processor which transforms primary radar video outputs from any air surveillance radar into high quality digital target reports or track messages suitable for integration into modern control centers. The LETVIS EXT/S is modular in design and can be configured in any...
ALES is a supplier of ATM systems meeting requirements of appropriate (ICAO, EUROCONTROL, Russian) standards for integration at any Air Traffic Services centre (TWR, APP, ACC, SAR, AMC, or training centers) for both civilian and military users. Controllers are provided with the integrated air picture of civil/military air traffic incl. information on structure and utilization of air space, and other supplementary data and supporting functions. ATM & Airport systems can be delivered in a variety of customer-specified configurations ranging from working positions/modules to comprehensive ATM system that along with other sub-systems and equipment allow for a modernization of existing centers...
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